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  1. #1

    World of Warships Review

    Summary Conclusion


    Pros :

    a. Flawless . Fuss-Free . Intuitive

    b. Easy to Use

    c. Small memory foot-print (insignificant)

    At time of this writing, the hack works *flawlessly* having tested it on my office notebook and my gaming rig, extensively. As an avid player way, way before using the hack, the memory leaks do come from the game - and not the hack. And the leak is much worse if your machine is not a gaming rig. Hope this concludes any suspicions of leaks caused by, or aggravated further by, the hack.

    Cons :

    a. No instructions. Very, very daunting to the newbie. No newbie guide to using the hack. Took me 1-2 days to gather info here and there in the forum to penultimately know, what is what, why & how to use, and what its true capabilities are (less all the marketing/youtube hype). It's like a customer buys a Boeing 747, without instruction manual, and goes around asking 747 pilots or reading their experiences flying that jumbo-jet. (exaggerated, but message hits home).

    b. Mouse-only operation . It is cumbersome. Could have hotkey menu. In the heat of gameplay, it is just not practical to refine value-settings via mouse-mode. CTR-ALT-X key-sets could be used (so to avoid clashing with in-game player-customised keys).


    a. Could have separate HE/AP velocity settings

    b. Could have multiple (ship) profile save settings

    c. Could have options for players who play CVs (noticed the settings are for main armaments)


    Comes in 3 packages - 3-day trial, monthly, and lifetime

    a. 3-day trial is *excellent*. Gives a potential lifetime/monthly member to evaluate before deciding.

    b. Suggestion : a (cheaper) monthly and lifetime could be set for the (a) game per se (and not access to other or all games - which already exist the current packages). This would cater to players who *dedicatedly* play a few (1-2) MMO games, which forms the bulk of MMO-gaming consumerism behavior.


    Prompt replies - forum and PM.
    Very good, thanks


    The WoW sub-forum/section is good and is a must, as most players think the hack is a guaranteed FTW, which is not. And we come with a myriad of questions - LOL. Thanks to the moderators who maintain this section. THANK YOU. I lurk.

    Conclusion : Love it. Keep it up Wallhax! Do look into the "Cons" , and "Possible Improvements" portion. And I hope you come up with a game-only monthly/lifetime subscription model soon

    Summary : Those playing WoW, no need to hesitate. That 3-day trial subscription helps. And I hope you read this "review" to get an all-round assessment of this site, product, and service.


  2. #2
    Sentient's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thanks for the very nice write up. We appreciate the feedback!
    When I use the hacks, I try really hard to play like a noob...
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  3. #3
    Thank you for writing this! I've extended your subscription a bit.



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